Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Sam and the Spirit

Chapter One
The Gift

Sam Solons had a "Gift", he shared it with everyone he knew. The gift was that he could always come up with a theory for all the strange things that happen. Such as ghost sittings,mysterios ship wrecks and more. "The best part of those theories is that they were always right! Even though he shared his gift people still asked a lot from him, he got tired of it he tried to make people forget about his gift. It did not work so he summoned a spirit. The spirit had the power to erase a someones mind

Chapter Two
The spirit 
Sam did not tell anyone that he wanted to summon the spirit, people would not let him do so. On the day before his birthday he snook off into his basement (he was turning 11). He knew how to summon the spirit for years but he never felt like he had to do it. The night he summons the spirit. He was a large beast wearing a potato sack. It moaned loudly. Keep it down the,"the boy whispered. But the spirit only got louder. QUIET!" Sam Yelled. Then the spirit got so quiet that Sam could finally talk.

Chapter Three
The Deal 

I want you to erase everyones memory of me having a gift," Sam said. Why?" the spirit moaned. Because I am sick and tired people constantly asking me to there dirty work," Sam responded. The spirit moaned loudly, soon, in the blink of an eye everyone forgot about the boys power. But as soon as the spell casted he took it back! I want something to," the spirit muttered, with anger. Fine, you get to stay in this basement,"Sam said.  Okay," the spirit muttered. Then just like that, they had a deal.

Chapter Four
The Ghost party
On Sam's birthday nobody asked him anything, they just acted like he was a normal human, which meant, the spirits spell worked! Sam went down into the basement to see the spirit and also thank him. But there were ghost everywhere, and they were all partying. I went up to the spirit, what  is all this?" Sam asked. JOIN THE PARTY!" the spirit yelled. AHH!" Sam yelled. "NO, stop now! Everything went silent. The spirit growled" THIS IS MY HOUSE, YOU GAVE TO ME, THIS IS MY HOUSE, SO I GET TO DO WANT"! But this is my house, I am only letting you stay in the basement as long as you keep it down,"Sam said.  Fine," the ghost muttered,  and just like that all the ghost started cleaning up. I walked upstairs, Sam was so happy he was finally left alone, he did not know how he did or where he learned to do it but he just did not care. He missed his power, it made him feel, special.

Chapter Five
Sam's Secret reviled 
"The next day was Sam's birthday party", he spent the day at home with six of his friends. The played games like tag, capture the flag, and others. He went down to check on the spirit 3 or 4 times. When it was time to open presents he picked his friend Jacobs present first, he hadn't been in the room for it but Sam opened it anyway. There was a not behind the first layer of wrapping paper, Sam red it:

                                    Dear sam,

I cannot believe you tried to erase my mind, I cannot believe you thought I would be stupid enough to not notice, but I did, and I am not happy. If you had been smart enough to not notice this would not be happening to you."But still, it is your birthday, so here is a little something to keep you going.


Sam put the note down and kept unwrapping the paper, the gift was a small Lego city set. Sam freaked out and ran outside, Sam ran to Jacob and asked," how did you know about the spirit? Why? Are you friends?" he asked. NO!"Sam responded, angrily. But unfortunately the spirit  heard me, and he was not happy about it.

                   Chapter Six
                     Sam then saw him and ran after him, YOU RIUNED EVERYTHING!" Sam yelled as he kept running. He stopped in the basement. Jacob and my other friends, PapPap and Lucy. Lucy grabbed me and pined me down. What on Earth are you guys doing?" Sam asked. Jacob told us you once had a gift, and that you used that "stupid" ghost to make us forget, because you were to lazy to help everyone!" PapPap shouted. SHUT UP!" Sam yelled. Sam shoved Lucy off of me, she the got back up and ran out of the basement. Well I guess it is just you and me," Jacob said. But when Lucy closed the door, she locked it, and Sam was pretty sure she did not tell anyone that they were down there. Sam sighed, while Jacob was trying to stupidly bust open the door. PapPap starting sobbing because we were trapped. "Sam looked at the spirit and apologized". I am sorry, I know you really hate me, I should have never done this," Sam said." The spirit groaned. PapPap's sobbing turned into crying. PapPap asked anyone if they had a cell phone. They all answered, no. The spirit magically opened the door. PapPap stopped crying and ran out."Jacob groaned, and ran out. But still Sam did not know why he was so mad.

                                               Chapter Seven
                      Sam walked out and went outside. The spirit was on the front lawn. Sam walked to him. I want you to leave," Sam said. Why?" The spirit asked. If I left everyone will remember your gift. I know," Sam sighed. Jacob ran to the front lawn. So this is that little spirit of yours. MY NAME IS WILLIAM, BANKED," the spirit yelled. Oh I did not know that," Sam said. Well, goodbye, then," Sam said. The spirit then flew off into the distance. Well, to bad," Jacob said. I know he is gone, but I know I will see him someday soon. Wel,l until then you have, me," Jacob said. Yeah, I guess," Sam sighed.

                                                   THE END!

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